Southeastern corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) are non-venomous colubrid snakes. Their gorgeous colors, ease of maintenance, and docility make them popular pets. Corn snake facts.
Corn snakes are popular pets due to their docility and ease of care. Most pet corn snakes are 3–4 feet long, however these North American snakes can reach 6 feet. Many people find their colors and patterns intriguing.
Corn snakes are easy pets. To maintain a temperature of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit, they need a terrarium with a heat lamp or under-tank heating pad. They need a hiding place, water dish, and bedding substrate. Corn snakes eat frozen mice or rats.
Corn snakes are docile. First-time snake owners should choose them because they rarely bite. They also take up less room than larger snakes.
Are Corn Snakes Venomous?
Corn snakes are harmless. They’re popular pet snakes because they’re harmless. To avoid bites and injuries, handle them carefully and respect their space.
Corn Snake Bite: Is it Harmful?
Corn snakes are harmless. They bite harmlessly like bees. To prevent tension and biting, handle them carefully.
Where do corn snakes live?
Corn snakes live in forests, farms, and even suburbs in the southeastern US. They like water and brush piles or rock crevices for cover. A terrarium with the right temperature and humidity can house them.
Are Corn Snakes Poisonous to Dogs?
Corn snakes do not poison dogs. However, if your dog eats a corn snake, it may develop stomach troubles. If your dog eats a snake, take it to the vet.
Corn Snake Behavior: Are They Aggressive?
Corn snakes rarely attack humans. They’re popular pet snakes because they’re kind. Like any animal, they may become protective if threatened or trapped. Handle them gingerly to avoid bites.
What Do Corn Snakes Eat?
Corn snakes are carnivorous and devour mice and rats. Lizards, birds, and amphibians may also be eaten. They can eat pre-killed or frozen-thawed rats in captivity.
Corn Snake Feeding: How Often Should You Feed Your Pet Snake?
Depending on age and size, corn snakes are fed every 5-7 days. Younger snakes may need to be fed more often, whereas adults may only need to be eaten every 7-10 days. Overfeeding corn snakes can cause obesity and other health issues.
What Do Corn Snakes Eat Besides Mice?
Corn snakes consume meat. They like mice but also consume rats, birds, and eggs. Some owners feed their corn snakes thawed frozen pinkie rats, chicks, or even small fish or insects. However, corn snakes need nutritious food that’s the right size.
How Corn Snakes Eat Their Prey?
Corn snakes constrict, suffocating their prey. Their strong muscles consume their prey whole. Corn snakes prefer rodents, birds, and other small creatures.
Do corn snakes eat vegetables?
Corn snakes consume mice and rats as carnivores. They avoid vegetables because they need a high-protein, high-fat diet. They need a balanced diet and not too much live prey.
How big do corn snakes get?
Male corn snakes are smaller than females and grow to 3–5 feet. They mature at 3–4 years old.
Corn snake lifespan
Corn snakes lay eggs. Females incubate 10–30 eggs during 60–65 days.
In captivity, corn snakes live 10-15 years. Corn snakes can live up to 20 years with adequate care and diet.
Any pet need care. Be sure to do your research before getting a corn snake or any other pet.
Types of Corn Snakes
Corn snakes are popular pet snakes known for their vibrant and diverse colors and patterns. They come in a wide variety of colors and morphs, which are variations in their appearance caused by genetic traits. Here are some common corn snake colors and morphs:
- Normal/Wild-type: The wild-type corn snake has a basic pattern consisting of a reddish or orange background color with black-bordered, red or orange dorsal blotches and smaller lateral blotches.
- Amelanistic/Albino: Amelanistic corn snakes lack the black pigment melanin, resulting in a pinkish or orange background color with bright red or orange blotches. Their eyes are usually red or pink.
- Anerythristic: Anerythristic corn snakes lack red pigmentation, resulting in a gray or brownish background color with black or gray blotches. They can also have pink or red eyes.
- Hypomelanistic: Hypomelanistic corn snakes have reduced black pigmentation, resulting in lighter colors. They can have various background colors, such as pale orange, yellow, or lavender, with lighter-colored blotches.
- Snow: The Snow corn snake is a combination of Amelanistic and Anerythristic morphs. They have a white or pale pink background color with pink, peach, or lavender blotches.
- Caramel: Caramel corn snakes have a light tan or caramel background color with dark brown or black blotches. Their colors may intensify with age.
- Okeetee: Okeetee corn snakes are named after the Okeetee Hunt Club in South Carolina. They typically have a bright orange or reddish background color with large, deep-red blotches outlined in black.
- Bloodred: Bloodred corn snakes have a deep red or brick-red background color with intense red or crimson blotches.
- Motley: Motley corn snakes have a distinct pattern characterized by broad, irregular bands or saddles that extend down the length of the snake’s body. These bands can have different colors, such as orange, red, brown, or black.
- Scaleless: Scaleless corn snakes are a morph characterized by the absence of scales, giving them a unique appearance. They can come in various colors and patterns, similar to other morphs.
These are just a few examples of the many corn snake colors and morphs available in the pet trade. Breeders have also created countless combinations and variations through selective breeding, resulting in even more stunning and unique corn snake morphs.
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